Friday, July 27, 2007

The Immortality Processes -- the last great conspiracy Exposed!

Okay --->
I will explain this {Real Man's environmental reality} as if talking to a third grader.

Cows -people- horses are all animals...

Yet for many reasons some people choose to ride horses and work horses ---like to pull their wagons--- even-though understanding that they are also an animal.
And most of these animals called people eat other animals like cows ((making -eating- hamburger -steak- and clothes from cows)) even while clearly understanding that cows and people are both animals...
Also many of these HUMAN-people --animals-- do bad things to other animals for many reasons --- some just because their parents did it and some for a reason called survival -and- some just because they think or and believe that they are smarter or and tougher than all the other animals.
WELL SURPRISE---!---another group of 'smart thinking' animals ((called FenRick)) fell from the sky a long time ago -and- they bad think much like the Human animal people.!.
But don't worry --- because (((The))) Fenrick don't eat Human animal people.....they just -[quiet like]- take over a Human person's individual brainbody's Primary Mind and ride and control them like horses.
For a more technological -(grown-up)- explanation
of Real and True Man's environmental-reality [E-R] understanding
SEE: The DLK--> Hyperlink #1